PassiefHuis Etten-Leur


The future is energy-efficient. Energy-efficience is sustainable. In the future, every building has to be insulated in such a way, that they generate energy. A PassiveHouse.

In Etten-Leur, such a building is being built. It will only be connected to the energy grid, in order to distribute the energy it generates. Optimal use of the warmth and light provided by the sun, extreme insulation and airtightness, and fitted with 3-ply glass windows, the building contains all its warmth in the cold seasons.

The new headquarters for Stichting PassiefBouwen (Passive Building foundation) is designed entirely in accordance with Passive Building principles. The building will be fitted with so many PV-cells, it generates enough energy for 10 other houses, in the region of 36,000 KWh per year: a PassiveHouse Premium.

Kokon has designed this building together with LSWA architecten and Rothuizen Architecten Stedenbouwkundigen.