Circular pavillion 't Lagerhuysch, Campus TU Dleft

The circular pavillion ’t Lagerhuysch invites passers-by through the open façade of the ground floor, with lots of glass at street level. Large doors can be opened during summertime, for the adjacent terrace to blend into the interior. Inside is a spacious bar, made even more spacious with a vide. Behind the bar food can be prepared, and there is an access door for deliveries. At night, ’t Lagerhuysch is a pub, but during daytime master classes, different social gatherings can be held.

For ’t Lagerhuysch, the theme is sustainability. Its design incorporates this in three ways: socially sustainability, material sustainability and sustainability in climate design.

’t Lagerhuysch provides social sustainability by blending in with Tu Delft’s ‘campus vision’. A campus is not only a place to study, but to live, work and reside comfortably. Its sustainable, circular design provides the 3ME Faculty and its environment with a facility it was missing up till now. A location for students to get together and eat, drink, work or relax. Not just for student societies but open for all students.

The design makes use of decommissioned freight containers, that are ‘upcycled’ for a second life. Beside that, all materials that are added to the containers, are selected on reusability. This fits within the government’s ambitions for a completely circular economy by 2050.

During summer, the building is passively ventilated, due to the solar chimney. The sun heats the glass in the vertically placed container ‘tower’, which forces cool air upwards through the opened doors. Besides, PV panels will be integrated in the design, as well as high grade insulation, which results in an energy-neutral building.

Location Delft
Client TU Delft / Campus & Real Estate