Buurtschap Te Veld

Buurtschap te Veld is not just any neighborhood. Here you literally live in the green, with your neighbors.  Nature is the basis, the houses are guests. The area of 137,000 m2 is located in the north of Eindhoven, on Castiliëlaan.

Anyone who builds a new residential area can start from the desired homes, and come up with the greenery around them. In Buurtschap te Veld we work completely the other way around. By building on this, a green framework is created, containing different 'rooms'. In each room there will be about 30-80 homes, Kokon designs room E. In the rooms, the homes are placed differently than is usual in other places. Not in a tight pattern of rows, each with its own little front or back garden. Here you live in the landscape.

In the rooms between the houses is a challenging open field. Here you feel the peace and freedom, but it also offers plenty of room to play, eat together or do something else. Perhaps it will become a vegetable garden, an orchard or a play area. Or it might stay empty. The residents of the room decide for themselves what is best.

Location Eindhoven
Renske de Meijer architect
Chiel de Jong Design Assistent
Henk Middelkoop partner / architect
Henk Middelkoop partner / architect