Kunming Lake

‘Sweet Lake City’, the plans for restoration of the ancient Kunmin Lake, after more than 1,000 years, ar an integral part of the expansion of the city of Xi'an, China. The plan consists of an area of 20 square kilometers of brand new city, however still only 5% of total expansion plans.

In the midst of so much building activity, we try to maintain the authenticity and values of the location. Developing this location means confronting the Chinese city grid system with the capricious historical landscape parameters.

The shores of the old Kunming Lake are transformed into a continuous Cultural Heritage-trail that connects all areas surrounding the new, reinstated lake. Water will be experienced in all of the city expansion, making Kunmin Lake an oasis, embedded in the expansion plans.

Recent history will not be forgotten, the design incorporates the 'production landscape' as a theme, with an ample choice of local crops.

The area to the west of the lake will facilitates city agriculture, combined with housing for local elderly, day activities and recreation for people with a disability.

Location Xian, China
Henk Middelkoop partner / architect